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Distributed Methodology
Augmentive knows that most development projects are distributed development projects that utilize distributed resources in multiple geographies. Consequently, Augmentive's development methodology is designed to optimize the use of onsite, onshore and offshore resources.
Augmentive's methodology is based upon the principle that certain roles in the development process must be conducted onsite or onshore, while other roles are best executed offshore. Onsite roles are those roles that require face-to-face customer interaction. These roles typically include requirements analysis, software deployment and product acceptance by the customer.
Onshore roles are roles that require significant interaction with the customer but do not necessary require face-to-face meetings. The development of functional design documents and technical design documents usually fit within this category. Finally, offshore roles require the least amount of interaction with the customer. Because the functional design documents and detailed testing plans are built onshore during the functional and technical design processes, these activities can be managed offshore. These roles usually include the construction and testing of the product.
Onshore roles are roles that require significant interaction with the customer but do not necessary require face-to-face meetings. The development of functional design documents and technical design documents usually fit within this category. Finally, offshore roles require the least amount of interaction with the customer. Because the functional design documents and detailed testing plans are built onshore during the functional and technical design processes, these activities can be managed offshore. These roles usually include the construction and testing of the product.
Augmentive works with its customers to define a development process that can support a distributed development team. In many development organizations critical ad hoc conversations occur in the hallway or over lunch. In a distributed offshore development situation projects members are geographically dispersed and therefore do not have unlimited and unrestricted access to one another. As part of our service offering, we walk our customers through the following four steps:
- Development process analysis
- Development process modifications
- Buy in from all team members
- Deployment of modified development process